
How do you manage ES?

Managing ES

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Overview on ES and EHS:

1. Removing electromagnetic pollution. The person sensitive to, or intolerant of, electromagnetic exposure is often perfectly healthy. It is the environment which is 'ill', not the person who is sensitive to it. This is the case for all environmental sensitivities or intolerances, as in food, chemical or light sensitivity. It is therefore the responsibility, under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, of each government to remove the 'ill' environment or electromagnetic pollution so that people sensitive to it can lead a full and equal life with everyone else, and not be subject to an environmental discrimination which can easily be changed.

2. Avoidance of man-made electromagnetic exposure as far as possible is the key to living with ES, if your government has failed to follow the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. If you fail to avoid electromagnetic exposure your sensitivity will likely increase, making life more and more difficult as you become more and more sensitive.

3. Healthy living is the second key requirement. This is to rebuild as far as possible the body's natural immune system. The more effective your immune system, the better your body is protected against environmental toxins like electromagnetic pollution.

Key areas for healthy living are:

  • diet
  • exercise
  • removing toxic mercury and other heavy metal chelation
  • removing metallic implants and metallic dental restorations, unless these are essential
  • sleep

4. Additional nutrients will depend on your body's needs, for which it is wise to take appropriate medical advice.

The 3 stages in the progression of Electrosensitivity:

1. Stage 1: Initial phase (years 1-3)

activation, stimulation and adaptation

2. Stage 2: weak pathologic development ((years 3-5)

strengthening pathologic developments, such as sleep disorders, daytime tiredness etc.

3. Stage 3: strong pathologic development (year 5 on)

general exhaustion, pronounced pathologic relapses of the regulation system.

"Electromagnetic hyper-sensitivity" appears to be associated with stage 3. This is why it is so important to avoid electromagnetic exposure to prevent yourself from progressing downwards from Stage 1.

See Hecht K & Balzer HU's 1997 review of the Russian medical literature on sensitivity to electromagnetic exposure from 1960 to 1996.

Published Treatments for Electrosensitivity:

The need to avoid Electrosmog

Creating an alarm system to avoid Electrosmog:

The benefits of Earthing or Grounding

Overview of EHS

Dr Zach Bush

Dr Bush  describes the loss of bacterial communication in the body from modern food and farming practices, the ravages from pesticides like glyphosate, that worsen it, and the importance of addressing and repairing the extracellular matrix in order to heal from electrosensitivity and the common leaky membranes and autoimmunity that accompanies it.

Dr. Riina Bray

Medical Director of the Environmental Health Clinic of Ontario, affiliated to the University of Toronto:

Prof. Dominique Belpomme

Recommendations (2018):

  • Ban use of cell phones by children 
  • Ban all EMF exposure during pregnancy including cell phones and wifi
  • Ban all cell phone or wireless exposure for adults for over 20 minutes per day.
  • Ban cell phone towers around schools, nursery schools and hospitals.
  • Ban iPads at school.
  • Ban all cell phones at school.
  • Lower the standard safety guidelines to biological long-term values.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT)

Problems in accessing society and healthcare for people with environmental sensitivity


Further Proposed Treatments

Some further treatments have been claimed as possibly being beneficial, if any additional synergistic physiological causes for the Electrosensitivity have been established. Co-conditions where such treatments have been proposed as beneficial include:

  • chemical damage, where removal of the chemical pollutant in addition to the EMFs is also essential
  • genetic phenotypes, where stem cell treatment may reduce electrosensitivity
  • heavy metal poisoning from lead or mercury, where chelation therapy for removal of the heavy metals in addition to the removal of EMFs is also essential
  • metallic implants and body work
  • mitochondrial and ROS damage, where nutritional anti-oxidants may help
  • mold damage, where removal of the mold in addition to the EMFs is also essential
  • myelination techniques, as for people with multiple sclerosis and ES
  • pesticide poisoning, where removal of the pesticide in addition to the EMFs is also essential
  • physiological effects of viruses or trauma. where treatment for the virus or disease, such as Epstein-Barr, Lyme's and West Nile virus
  • psychological retraining where repeated exposure to EMF pollution has entrained nociceptive pathways


 Hashimoto's disease and candidiasis:

Limbic Hyperactivty or Dysfunction:

Oxygen Therapy: