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Mechanisms, Pathways and Non-thermal Effects

There are many established mechanisms for the way electro-magnetic exposure affects the body at non-thermal levels, way below ICNIRP's heating levels. Some mechanisms are indirect but are still objective effects which can be measured. Many of these mechanisms and pathways are inter-linked. Useful overviews include:

See also:

The excellence of the pioneering studies in the USSR and Poland in the 1950s and 1960s revealed long-term effects of low-level electromagnetic exposure. A serious weakness of many recent studies in the west is that they do not consider long-term exposure and outcomes like Electrosensitivity.

General Reviews:

Select studies:

Updates to research studies

Changes in brain:


Genetic variants and ES symptoms:

Viruses and ES symptoms:

Mitochondria, light, water and EMFs:

Fascia and connective tissue, accupuncture points, meridians, Bioceramic resonance:

Autoimmune diseases made worse by electrosmog:

Magnetic Fields alter cells by Radical Pair Mechanism

DNA Breaks:

Three types of DNA damage are produced by low intensity microwaves and EMFs:

  • (a) Single-stranded DNA breaks
  • (b) Double-stranded DNA breaks
  • (c) Oxidized bases in cellular DNA.

All can be produced by free radical breakdown products of peroxynitrite, especially hydroxyl radical and carbonate radical attacks.  

They can produce genomic instability, with double-stranded DNA breaks producing chromosomal changes, gene amplification and copy number mutations. The formation of micronuclei indicates that deletions will be produced. Single-stranded DNA breaks often produce copy number mutations, while oxidized bases produce point mutations including both transition and transversion single base pair mutations.


Mechanisms, Pathways and Non-thermal Effects:

Scientists are unable to differentiate between damage caused by non-thermal electro-magnetic exposure and nuclear radio-active exposure.

Resonance, bioresonance, coherence, quantum biology, biosignalling, DNA fractal responses:

(* Useful illustrated introduction to water coherence and resonance, showing DNA reconstituted from 500-3000 Hz waves within ambient 7 Hz or Schumann Resonance waves)

(a) Videos:

(b) Papers and reports:

Reduced antibiotic resistance

Triggering Agents for ES


Vagal tone and physiological stress

Patents for use of low-level electromagnetic energy for health effects etc.:

     To:  Science about ES - individual studies