To: Science about ES - individual studies
Mechanisms, Pathways and Non-thermal Effects
There are many established mechanisms for the way electro-magnetic exposure affects the body at non-thermal levels, way below ICNIRP's heating levels. Some mechanisms are indirect but are still objective effects which can be measured. Many of these mechanisms and pathways are inter-linked. Useful overviews include:
- EHT: “Scientific and Policy Developments in Radiofrequency Radiation December 2019 through November 29, 2021: Selected Research Publications Showing Adverse Effects Since the FCC Issued its Determination December 2019 Not to Update its 1996 Standards for Evaluating Wireless Radiation from Cell Phones, Electronic Devices and Networks” (2021)
- Goldsworthy A: "The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields: Problems and solutions" (2012)
- Henshaw DL et al.: “A mechanistic understanding of human magnetoreception validates the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)” (Int J Radiat Biol., 2024)
- Hensinger P et al.: “Why electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a biologically expected reaction to harmful radiation” (umwelt · medizin · gesellschaft, 2024)
- Pall ML: "Dr. Mercola Interviews Martin Pall on EMFs" (2017, 58 min.) Transcript
- Susan Pocket: “Electrosmog: The health effects of microwave pollution” (May 2021)
- Stein Y et al.: “Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) - Review of mechanisms” (Environ Res., 2020)
- Russell Witte PhD: "The Body Electric + Microwave Radiation" (What is 5G, April 24 2020, 92 min.)
- Thoradit T et al.: “Hypersensitivity to man-made electromagnetic fields (EHS) correlates with immune responsivity to oxidative stress: a case report” (Commun Integr Biol., 2024)
See also:
The excellence of the pioneering studies in the USSR and Poland in the 1950s and 1960s revealed long-term effects of low-level electromagnetic exposure. A serious weakness of many recent studies in the west is that they do not consider long-term exposure and outcomes like Electrosensitivity.
General Reviews:
Select studies:
- Bevington M: "Selected Studies on Electrosensitivity (ES) and Electromagnetic Hyper-sensitivity (EHS)" (Electrosensitivity UK, 2018; over 2,000 studies)
- Bioinitiative Report (2012). Updated Research Summaries (May 1 2019).
- ECOLOG Institut: "Mobile Telecommunications and Health" (2000, for T-Mobile, etc.)
- EMF Portal
- EMR Aware: "EHS" (Australia, 97 files, 2017)
- Environmental Health Trust: Science
- Moskowitz JM: "Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Papers Finding Evidence of Harm from Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Published between August, 2016 and July, 2018" (School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
August 6 2018)
- Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA): Database
- Powerwatch: 1,670 studies
- "136 Studies Showing Health Effects from WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation" (2016)
Updates to research studies
Changes in brain:
Genetic variants and ES symptoms:
Viruses and ES symptoms:
Mitochondria, light, water and EMFs:
Fascia and connective tissue, accupuncture points, meridians, Bioceramic resonance:
Autoimmune diseases made worse by electrosmog:
Magnetic Fields alter cells by Radical Pair Mechanism
DNA Breaks:
Three types of DNA damage are produced by low intensity microwaves and EMFs:
- (a) Single-stranded DNA breaks
- (b) Double-stranded DNA breaks
- (c) Oxidized bases in cellular DNA.
All can be produced by free radical breakdown products of peroxynitrite, especially hydroxyl radical and carbonate radical attacks.
They can produce genomic instability, with double-stranded DNA breaks producing chromosomal changes, gene amplification and copy number mutations. The formation of micronuclei indicates that deletions will be produced. Single-stranded DNA breaks often produce copy number mutations, while oxidized bases produce point mutations including both transition and transversion single base pair mutations.
Mechanisms, Pathways and Non-thermal Effects:
- Adrenal system (Laszlo AM et al, 2017)
- Akt/PKB/Pl3/mTOR/ERK/MMP-9 singaling pathways (Colgiago A et al, 2015; Tang R et al, 2016; Patruno A et al, 2018; Ye A-F et al, 2022)
- Alpha amylase (Augner C et al, 2010; Andrianome S et al, 2017)
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Motor Neuron Disease (Deapen DM et al, 1986; Consales C et al, 2012; Koeman T et al, 2017; Luna J et al, 2019; Filippini T et al., 2020)
- Antibiotic effectiveness changed, antibiotic resistance (Torgomyan H et al, 2013; Taheri M et al, 2015; Soghomonyan D et al, 2016; Taheri M et al, 2017)
- Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, NrF2 (Pall ML et al, 2015)
- Artificial Light At Night (ALAN): (Deprato A et al, 2024; Lei T et al, 2024; Molcan L et al, 2024))
- Astrogliosis, increase in astrocytes (Barthélémy A et al, 2016)
- ATP (Ocal I et al, 2018, Wang D et al, 2018; Wang D et al, 2018)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DIsorder (ADHD) (Lissak G, 2018)
- Auditory thresholds (Das S et al, 2017)
- Autonomic nervous system (Havas M et al, 2021)
- Autophagy (related to ageing, cancer, infections, neurodegeneration) (Marchesi N et al, 2014; Kim JH et al, 2017; Kim JH et al, 2018; Kim JH et al, 2018)
- Bacteria effects (Oliva SA, 1979; Cellini L et al, 2008; Segatore B et al, 2012; Adebayo ES et al, 2014; Tessaro LW et al, 2015; Taheri M et al, 2017; Movahedi MM et al, 2019)
- Biochemical and histopathological changes in the brain (Hussein S et al, 2016)
- Bioelectric signalling, endogenous electromagnetic fields (Adams DS et al, 2013; Levin M, 2013; Tseng A et al,, 2013; Hales CG, 2014; Levin M, 2014; Law R et al, 2015; Pai VP et al, 2015; Cervera J et al, 2016; Goldwyn JH et al, 2016)
- Biofield physiology (Hammerschlag R et al, 2015; Kafatos MC et al, 2015)
- Birth defects, preterm (de Vocht F et al, 2014; Sadeghi T et al, 2017)
- Biostimulation at radiofrequency producing histological and DNA effects (Avantaggiato A et al, 2016)
- Blood effects (Lippi G et al, 2017; Usman JD et al, 2020)
- Blood Brain Barrier weakened (Frey, 1974), (Salford et al, 1994; Nittby et al, 2008)
- Blue light (Renard G et al, 2016)
- Brain abnormalities (Hauser G et al, 2017)
- Brain and cerebral effects, environmental exposure (Deshmukh PS et al, 2016; Rouleau N et al, 2016)
- Brain effects: size, development, pre-natal exposure (Kaplan S et al, 2016; Zhou Z et al, 2016)
- Brain tumors, glioma, acoustic neuroma (Hardell L et al, 2007; Hardell L et al, 2009; Hardell L et al, 2013; Hardell L et al, 2013; Hardell L et al, 2015; Morgan LL et al, 2015; Bortkiewicz A et al, 2017; Carlberg M et al, 2017; Hardell L et al, 2017; Leece R et al, 2017; Prasad M et al, 2017; Mortazavi SMJ et al. 2018; Philips A et al, 2018; Wang P et al, 2018; Natukka T et al, 2019; Carles C et al, 2020; Choi Y-J et al, 2020; Grech N et al, 2020; Pareja-Peña F et al, 2020; Zumel-Marne A et al, 2020; Seomun G et al, 2021)
- Breast cancer (Shih Y-W et al, 2020)
- Bystander effect, biophotonic signalling (Nagasawa H et al, 1992; Mosse I et al, 2006; Mothersill C et al, 2013; Tomita M et al, 2015; Le M et al, 2017; Mothersill C et al, 2018; Smith RW et al, 2018; Smith RW et al, 2018B)
- Calcium flux, voltage-gated calcium channels (Bawin SM et al, 1976; Pall ML, 2013; Panagopoulos DJ et al, 2017; Zhang H et al, 2017; Zhang J et al, 2017; Bo W et al, 2020; Ma Z et al, 2021; Ye A-F et al, 2022)
- Cancer, cells, MCF-7, mRNA levels of antioxidant genes (Omura Y et al, 1993; Mahmoudinasab H et al, 2016)
- Cancer (Wertheimer N et al: 1979; Hardell et al, 2009; Carles C et al, 2020; de Seze R et al, 2020)
- Cancer, RF as class 1 human carcinogen: (Peleg M et al, 2018)
- Cancer promoter: both ELF and RF are cancer promoters, where EM exposure increases the risk of cancer in animals predisposed to cancer and in tumor growth (Li Y et al, 2014; Lerchl A et al, 2015; Martínez MA et al, 2016; Soffritti M et al, 2016)
- Cardiovascular effects (Misek J et al, 2018; von Klitzing L, 2022; Zhang Y et al, 2024)
- Cell membranes as the location for microwave effects in transmembrane signal coupling and non-linear and non-equilibrium processes in cancer promotion (Lawrence AF & Adey WR, 1982; Adey WR, 1988)
- Cell apoptosis (Xing F et al, 2016)
- Cerebral blood perfusion (Huber R et al, 2002; Huber R et al, 2005)
- Chemical sensitivities and pollutants (Hardell L et al, 2008; Belpomme D et al. 2016; Rea WJ, 2016; Tran MT et al, 2016; Damiani G et al, 2021)
- Childhood Leukemia (Núñez‐Enríquez JC et al, 2020; Seomun G et al. 2021)
- Chromosome damage caused by microwaves (Heller & Teixeira-Pinto, 1959; Gulati S et al, 2024)
- Classification of diseases: electric field phenotypes (Schwartz L et al, 2018)
- Colon cancer (Mokarram P et al, 2017)
- Cognitive effects (Al-Khlaiwi TM et al, 2020)
- Congenital heart disease (Zhao D et al, 2020)
- Cortisol reduced (Evers S et al, 2001; Mortazavi SM et al, 2012; Touitou Y et al, 2022)
- Cryptochromes, epigenetic expression, circadian rhythms (Zaporozhan & Ponomarenko, 2010; Close, 2012; Nießner C et al, 2016; Neißner C et al, 2017; Zhang Y et al, 2017; Agliassa C et al, 2018; Landler L et al, 2018; Pinzon-Rodriguez A et al, 2018; Sherrard RM et al, 2018; Bartos P et al, 2019; Albaqami M et al, 2020; Xu J et al, 2021)
- Demyelination, Multiple Sclerosis, West Nile Fever, vaccination (Havas M, 2006; Harbo Poulsen et al, 2012; Karussis D et al, 2014; Kudo M, 2014; Redmayne et al, 2014; Johansson O et al, 2016; Kim JH et al, 2017; Sharma A et al, 2022)
- Diabetes (Ocal I et al, 2018; Carter CS et al, 2020)
- Digital biology (Witters D et al, 2014) (Thomas Y, 2015)
- DNA and electromagnetic signalling (Montagnier et al, 2009)
- DNA fragmentation, a precursor of cancer (Lai & Singh, 1995; Margaritis et al, 2013; Megha K et al, 2015; Ibitayo AO et al, 2017; Zothansiama et al, 2017; Bagheri Hosseinabadi M et al, 2019; Smith-Roe SL et al, 2019; Mišík M et al, 2023)
- Drug resistance (Falone S et al, 2018)
- Duration of exposure: adverse or protective (Hidisoglu E et al, 2016)
- Electromyogram (von Klitzing L, 2021)
- Electrosensitivity (Balmori A, 2022)
- Entanglement (Dotta BT et al, 2013)
- Enzyme effects (Gulati S et al, 2017)
- Epigenetic effects (Mokarram P et al, 2017)
- Erythrocytes (Jeican II et al, 2017)
- Estrogen beta receptor (Reyes-Guerrero G et al. 2010; Bernal-Mondragón C et al, 2016)
- Excessive exposure to RF EMFs, can cause EHS (Carpenter DO, 2015)
- Exostosis (Shahar D et al, 2016; Shahar D et al, 2018; Shahar D et al, 2018a)
- Fetal effects; see also Prenatal (Aldad TJ et al 2012; Genuis SJ et al, 2016; Türedi S et al, 2016; Calis P et al, 2019)
- Fertility damage, (Flaherty, 1994; Dama & Bhat, 2013; Liu et al, 2014; Ahmadi SS et al, 2016; Akdag MZ et al, 2016; Radwan M et al, 2016; Manta AK et al, 2017; Bilgici B et al, 2018; Ding SS et al, 2018; Gautam R et al, 2018; Sadeghi T et al, 2017; Esmailzadeh S et al, 2018; Gautam R et al, 2018; Kesari KK et al, 2018; Santini SJ et al, 2018; Yahyazadeh A et al, 2018; Chen H-G et al, 2022)
- Free Radical Species and Oxidative Stress (De Iuliis GN et al, 2009; Desai NR et al, 2009; Burlaka A et al, 2013; Havas M, 2016)
- Gene expression, genetic effects (Manta AK et al, 2017; Lai H, 2021)
- Genetic variants, such as the haplotype (null)GSTT1 + (null)GSTM1 variants (Yang Y et al, 2008; de Luca et al, 2014; Wang LF et al, 2016; Luo J et al. 2020)
- Geomagnetic influences (Becker, 1963; Stoupel E et al. 2002; Close J, 2012; Shaposhnikov D et al, 2013; Feigin VL et al, 2014; Rouleau N et al, 2014; Stoupel EG et al, 2015; Martínez-Bretón JL et al, 2016; Krylov VV, 2017; Podolska K, 2017; Anand K et al, 2022)
- Glioma and brain tumors, low-level RF as cause, call for classification as class 2A or class 1 human carcinogen (Hardell L et al, 2007; Hardell L et al, 2013; Coureau G et al, 2014; Morgan LL et al, 2015; Grell K et al, 2016; Wang Y et al, 2016; Carlberg M et al, 2017; Momoli F et al, 2017; Yang M et al, 2017; Philips A et al, 2018)
- Glucose, diabetes (Kleiber CE, 2017)
- Glutamate receptors, neuronal signalling (Gökçek-Saraç Ç et al, 2017)
- Gravitation (Tairbekov MG et al, 1997; Slezak A et al, 2000; Herranz R et al, 2012)
- Gut leakage or Intestinal Permeability is increased by electroporation (Ghartey-Tagoe EB et al, 2005) or by glucocorticoid levels (Zheng G et al, 2013) which can be increased by cellphone exposure (Khirazova EE et al, 2012).
- Hearing (Taher E et al, 2024)
- Heart Rate Variability and ischaemic diseases (Borthkiewicz A et al, 1998; Fazzo L et al, 2009; Havas M, 2013; Havas M et al, 2021; Dale S et al, 2024).
- Heat Shock Factor activation (Lin H, Blank M, Goodman R et al, 1997; Zeni O et al, 2017)
- Heavy metal (aluminum, lead, mercury) (Omura Y et al, 1991)
- Heavy metal (mercury), dental restorations and EMF (Mariea & Carlo, 2007; Byun VH et al, 2013; Mortazavi G et al, 2015; Mortazavi SM et al, 2016; Paknahad M et al, 2016).
- Heavy metal (mercury), dental restorations, EMF maternal exposure and autism (Mortazavi G et al, 2016)
- Heavy metal (mercury), dental restorations, EMF and genetic susceptibility, sexual dimorphism (Echeverria D et al, 2006; Woods JS et al, 2012)
- Hippocampus effects (Larsen LE et al, 2016; Teimori F et al, 2016)
- Hippo pathway (Colgiago A et al, 2015)
- Histamine release induced by EM stress opens the Blood Brain Barrier (Mayhan WG, 1996; Adachi N, 2005)
- Histopathological and behavioral changes (Sharma A et al, 2017)
- Hormesis, biphasic response (Sun C et al, 2016)
- Immune effects, auto-immune diseases, lymphocytes (Bonhomme-Faivre L et al, 2003; Marshall TG et al, 2016; Taheri M et al, 2017)
- Individual variability (Pellegrini M et al, 2017)
- Inflammation (Megha K et al, 2015; Lameth J et al, 2017)
- Information transfer in aqueous solutions (Foletti A et al. 2012; Alberto F et al, 2014; Foletti A et al, 2017)
- Integrins (Zhu B et al. 2016; Cervalleti F et al, 2013; Liu J et al, 2017; Xia P et al, 2017)
- Ionizing radiation: (Rusin A et al, 2018)
- Iron metabolism (Ren J et al, 2017)
- LDLox: (Thoradit T et al, 2024)
- Light effects, infra red, blue light, CFL, LED (van de Werken M et al, 2013; Daneault V et al, 2016; de Freitas LF et al, 2016; Yuda E et al, 2016; Rahman SA et al, 2017; Yuda E et al, 2017; Milham S et al, 2018; Souman JL et al, 2018)
- Lipid peroxidation (Akpinar D et al, 2012; Gok DK et al, 2016)
- Liver (Carter CS et al, 2020)
- Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's, follicular lymphoma (Hardell L et al, 2005; Koeman T et al, 2014)
- Magnesium (Buchachenko AL et al, 2005; Ulku R et al, 2011; Hore PJ, 2012)
- Magnetite, magnetoacoustic effect, ferromagnetic resonance, possible Alzheimer's link (Kirschvinck JL et al, 1992; Kirschvink JL et al. 1992; Kirschvinck JL, 1996; Liang CH et al, 2016; Maher BA et al. 2016; Henshaw DL et al. 2024)
- Magneto-reception (Carrubba S et al, 2007; Carubba & Marino, 2008; Li Y et al, 2014; Belova NA et al, 2015; Vidal-Gadea A et al, 2015; Ernst DA et al, 2016; Martínez MA et al, 2016; Qin S et al, 2015; Zablotskii V et al, 2016; Binhi VN et al, 2017; Letuta UG et al, 2017; Taylor BK et al, 2017; Zhang HT et al, 2017; Chae KS et al, 2019; Wang CX et al, 2019; Benediktová K et al, 2020; Seomun G et al, 2021; Chae KS et al, 2022; Henshaw DL et al, 2024)
- Magneto-reception, animals (Simmonds SL et al, 2006; Wan GJ et al, 2014; An GZ et al, 2015; Fu JP et al, 2016; Kattnig DR et al, 2016; Leao P et al, 2016; Binhi VN et al, 2017; de Vries L et al, 2017; Kattnig DR et al, 2017; Natan E et al, 2017; Neißner C et al, 2017; Pakhomov A et al, 2017; Pang K et al, 2017; Xu J et al, 2017; Xu JJ et al, 2017; Pinzon-Rodriguez A et al, 2018; Panagopoulos, 2024)
- MAPK/ERK signalling pathway, phosphorylation, cancer (Zuo HY et al, 2009; Sheikh AQ et al, 2013; Tang J et al, 2015; Geng DY et al, 2016; Kapri-Pardes E et al, 2017; Shahin S et al, 2017)
- Mast cells in the skin (Johansson O et al, 2001).
- Meletonin reduction, through ELF effects on the pineal gland (Semm P et al, 1980; Reiter, 1993; Loscher W et al, 1994; Halgamuge, 2013; van de Werken M et al, 2013; Rahman SA et al, 2017) Ajit Singh: "Major side effect of mobile phone radiation WHO" (2014, 25 mins)
- Melanogenesis: (Kim YM et al, 2017)
- Memory loss (Zhao ZG et al, 2005; Mortazavi SM et al, 2013; Qiao S et al, 2014; Schneider J et al, 2014; Wang H et al, 2014; Schoeni A et al, 2015; Zhao YL et al, 2015; Ghadamgahi M et al, 2016; Kumari K et al, 2017; Shahin S et al, 2017; Foerster M et al, 2018)
- Mercury effects (Paknahad M et al, 2016; Landler L et al, 2017)
- Meridian or accupuncture electrical pathways (Jiang Y et al, 2014).
- Metabolic effecsts, metabolomic markers, ATPS, mitochondria (Li Y et al, 2014; Tan S et al, 2017; Piras C et al, 2020; Piras C et al, 2022)
- MicroRNA: (Li H et al, 2018)
- Microwave Hearing, discovered by Frey in 1962: "Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy" (PMID); 1 hour of cellphone use affects hearing thresholds (Alsanosi, 2013)
- millimeter waves, 5G, (<)30-300 GHz, THz (DeSmul A, 1996; Zhao Z et al, 1998; Lysenyuk VP et al, 2000; Vorobyov VV et al, 2002; Zhao ZG et al, 2005; Korenstein-Ilan A et al, 2008; Millenbaugh NJ et al, 2008; Titushkin IA et al, 2009; Alexandrov BS et al, 2010; Alexandrov BS et al, 2011; Habauzit D et al, 2014; Romanenko S et al, 2014; Soghomonyan D et al, 2016; Romanenko S et al, 2017; Betzalel N et al, 2018; Bo W et al, 2020; Matthew UO et al, 2021; Pall ML, 2021)
- miRNA: miR-26b-5p may be a biomarker for 50Hz exposure, perhaps based on miR-26b-5p-CCND2-mediated cell cycle regulation (Liu Y et al, 2016)
- Miscarriage (Lindbohm ML et al, 1992; Juutilainen J et al, 1993; Lee GM et al, 2002; Li DK et al, 2002; Shamsi Mahmoudabadi FS et al, 2013; Wang Q et al, 2013; Mahmoudabadi FS et al, 2015; Li DK et al, 2017; Zhou LY et al, 2017)
- Mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to elevated ROS production, ATPS changes (Li Y et al, 2014; Houston B et al, 2016)
- MRI scanners (Schaap K et al, 2014; Acri G et al, 2018)
- Multiple Sclerosis (Khaki-Khatibi F et al, 2019)
- Muscarinic receptor M1 (Hassanshahi A et al, 2017)
- Nerve blockage. very low frequencies (3-30 kHz) (Tanner JA, 1962) (Bhadra N et al, 2005; Weinberg SH, 2013)
- Neurogenesis (Chen C et al, 2014; Eghlidospour M et al, 2017)
- Neurological effects (Zhao YL et al, 2004; Zhao L et al, 2012; Qiao S et al, 2014; Wang H et al, 2015; Wang LF et al, 2015; Xiong L et al, 2015; Ye H et al, 2015; Mugunthan N et al, 2016; Asian A et al, 2017; Hu Y et al, 2017; Tan S et al, 2017; Wang J et al, 2017; Varghese R et al, 2018)
- Neurotransmitters (Zhou DF et al, 2025)
- Nitric Oxide (Patruno A et al, 2010; Pilla, 2012)
- Non-linear effects, 'windows' (variations in frequency, pulse, intensity and duration), resonance (Bawin SM et al, 1977; Adey WR, 1979; Rea WJ et al, 1991; Belyaev IY et al, 1996; Blackman CF et al, 1996; Hyland GJ, 2000; Carrubba S et al, 2008; Taheri M et al, 2015; Mansourian M et al, 2016; Marino AA et al, 2017; Martínez-Bretón JL et al, 2016; Verrender A et al, 2016; Thoradit T et al. 2024)
- Non-thermal effects: established since the 1950s (see e.g. Zhao Z et al, 1998; Zhao ZG et al, 2005; Giuliani L & Soffritti M “Non-Thermal Effects and Mechanisms of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter”, Europ J Oncol, 2010, part I, part II; Marino AA et al, 2017; Tan S et al, 2017; Wurst P et al, 2020, Yang L et al., 2020)
- Olfactory effects (Mastrodonato A et al, 2018)
- Optical effects, ophthalmic effects, sclera fibroblasts (Wang J et al, 2013; Zhu H et al, 2016; Suetov AA et al, 2019)
- Oxidative stress (Megha K et al, 2015; Yamenko I et al, 2015; Akpinar D et al, 2016; Consales C et al, 2016; Ghanbari AA et al, 2016; Havas M, 2016; Zang D et al, 2017; Irigaray P et al, 2018; Kamali K et al, 2018; Masoumi A et al, 2018; Varghese R et al, 2018; Schuermann D et al, 2021; Sharma A et al, 2022; Thoradit T et al, 2024)
- Pain (Lin F-Y, 2021)
- Parametric oscillations, frequency resonance (Hinrikus H et al, 2016)
- Parkinson's Disease (Benassi B et al, 2016)
- Parotid gland (de Siqueira EC et al.: 2016)
- Papaya (Irigaray P et al, 2018)
- Phospholipid bilayers (Ziegler MJ et al, 2008; Kong Z et al, 2017)
- Phosphorylation, ATP (Buchachenko AL et al, 2005; Buchachenko AL et al, 2005; Buchachenko AL et al, 2006; Buchachenko AL et al, 2008)
- Photons, biophotons (Popp FA et al, 1984; van Wijk R et al, 1993; Bajpai RP, 2003; Rahnama M et al, 2011; Cacha LA et al, 2014; Zangari A et al, 2018)
- Photobiomodulation (PBM), Low Level Laser (Light) Therapy (Chung H et al, 2012; Borzabadi-Farahani A, 2016; de Freitas LF et al, 2016; Hamblin MR, 2017; Hennessy M et al, 2017)
- Photo-induced electron transfer and magnetoreception (Byrdin M et al, 2003; Henbest KB et al, 2008; Sheppard DM et al, 2017)
- Photosensitivity (EM), blue light, UV light, melotonin, circadian clock, aging and cancer (Anisimov VN et al, 2004; Chepesiuk R, 2009; Popvich IG et al, 2013; Chang AM et al, 2015; Gringras P et al, 2015; Perelis M et al, 2015; Phan TX et al, 2016; G et al, 2016) ("Shiftwork that involves circadian disruption is probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A)" IARC, 2007)
- Photosynthesis (Tang C et al, 2018)
- PI3K/AKT/mTOR Pathway (Patruno A et al, 2015; Chou SC et al. 2024)
- Polarization (Belyaev IY et al, 1992; Panagopoulos DJ et al, 2015; Muheim R et al, 2017; Panagopoulos DJ et al, 2017)
- Potassium channels (Jensen CS et al, 2011; Cameron MA et al, 2017)
- Power Line Effects see also Leukemia (Raz-Steinkrycer LS et al, 2022)
- Pre-natal exposure: brain size reduced, behavior changes (Sudan M et al, 2012; Sharma A et al, 2016; Zhou Z et al, 2016; Bahreyni Toossi MH et al, 2017; Choi kh et al, 2017; Ottman H et al, 2017; Bektas H et al, 2020)
- Primary cilia, sensory cilia, calcium singalling: (McCullen SD et al, 2010; Cai S et al, 2017)
- Prions (Lian HY et al, 2017)
- Prostate cancer: (Górski R et al, 2021; Zhang Y et al, 2023)
- Protein expression, proteome (Karinen A et al, 2008; Fragopoulou AF et al, 2012; Luo Q et al, 2013).
- Radical Pair mechanism, resonance, magnetic fields, photokinesis, Zeeman resonance (Adair RK, 1999; Usselman RJ et al, 2014; Barnes FS et al, 2015; de Melo RD et al, 2016; Hiscock HG et al, 2016; Barnes F et al, 2018; Ikeya N et al., 2021; Henshaw DL et al. 2024)
- Radiofrequency Sickness, Radiofrequency Effects (Balmori A,, 2022; Thoradit T et al, 2024)
- Reactive Oxygen Species, and Heat Shock proteins effects (Miyakoshi J et al,2000; Yao K et al, 2008; Lu YS et al, 2012; Kesari KK et al, 2013; Ni S et al, 2013; Martínez MA et al, 2016; Tang R et al, 2016; Manta AK et al, 2017; Wang H et al, 2017; Carter CS et al, 2020)
- Resonance signalling, ion cyclotron resonance (Liboff, 2009; Foletti A et al, 2013; Liboff AR et al, 2017)
- Schwann cells (Colgiago A et al, 2015)
- Sensory Processing (Watten RG et al, 2024)
- Sialic acid, neurotransmission (Lowden A et al, 2011; Liu H et l, 2014; Zheng Y et al, 2016)
- Skin cancer (Zhang Y et al, 2023)
- Skin effects: collagen, dermal fibroblasts, hydroxyproline, mast cells (Johansson O et al, 1994; Gangi S et al, 1997; Johansson O et al, 2001; Aschermann C, 2011; Çam ST et al, 2014; Pasi F et al, 2016)
- Sleep problems (Huss A et al, 2015; Demir YP et al, 2019; Lallawmzuala et al, 2019; Bijlsma N et al, 2024)
- Social behavioral changes: pre-natal exposures (Zhou Z et al, 2016)
- Solar effects (Anand K et al, 2022)
- Stem Cell growth impaired (Chen C et al, 2014; Bhargav H et al, 2015)
- Sympathetic nervous system effects (Hänninen O et al, 2013).
- Subtle energy effects (Bhargav H et al, 2017; Rubik B, 2017)
- Synergy, with lead (Ansarihadipour H et al, 2016)
- Synergy, with sonic waves (Choi YK et al, 2016)
- TCA (Lin KW et al, 2016)
- Testosterone reduced (Dasdag et al, 2015)
- Therapeutic effects (Ma F et al, 2016)
- Thermal stress (Zang ZY et al, 2016)
- Thyroid hormones and cancer (Mortavazi S et al, 2009; Calrberg M et al, 2016; Asl JF et al, 2019)
- Ticks (Vergová B et al, 2018) (D. reticulatus: Foldvari G et al, 2016)
- Tinnitus (Söylemez E et al, 2024)
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) (Shouan A et al, 2021)
- Trigeminal nerve (Marino AA et al, 2016)
- Tumor promotion (Lerchl A et al, 2015; de Siqueira EC et al.: 2016; Leng L et al, 2016; Soffritti M et al, 2016; Prasad M et al, 2017)
- Tumor specific frequencies: (Milham S et al, 2016)
- Ultrasound, hyper-sensitivity (Leighton TG, 2016)
- Vagus nerve (O'Reardon JP et al, 2006; Burgess AP et al, 2016; Larsen LE et al, 2016; Passi R et al, 2017)
- Voltage-Gated Channels (VGCs) (Bertagna F et al, 2021)
- Water conditioned by EM exposure: biological effects (Gang N et al, 2012; Dotta BT et al, 2013; Montagnier L et al, 2009; Yamabhai M et al, 2014; Montagnier L et al, 2015)
- Water diffusion increased by non-thermal microwaves (Hinnikus et al, 2014)
- Water, electrolyzed reduced water, ionized water, with anti-oxidant, micro-cluster and alkaline properties (Shirahata S et al, 1997; Franceschelli S et al, 2016)
- Windows: see 'Non-Linear'
Scientists are unable to differentiate between damage caused by non-thermal electro-magnetic exposure and nuclear radio-active exposure.
Resonance, bioresonance, coherence, quantum biology, biosignalling, DNA fractal responses:
(* Useful illustrated introduction to water coherence and resonance, showing DNA reconstituted from 500-3000 Hz waves within ambient 7 Hz or Schumann Resonance waves)
(a) Videos:
- Resonance from sound waves (Wine glass resonance in slow motion, 2009, 4m)
- Resonance: Beings of Frequency (BeeSafe Technologies, 2008, 88m)
- Killing a parasite at the relevant frequency (2008, 32s)
- Electromagnetic quantum biology: Nobel Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier (2014, 54m)
- Energy Medicine and Bioresonance (Deta Elis, 2013, 89m)
- * "What is Life? A Non Particle View" (LaRouchePAC, 2011, 44m)
- "The Coming Revolution in Wave Biology: An Interview with Dr Luc Montagnier" (LaRouchePAC, 2011, 73m)
- Prof Brian Josephson (Nobel Laureate): "New Horizons in Water Science" (Royal Society of Medicine, July 2018, 33 m)
(b) Papers and reports:
Reduced antibiotic resistance
Triggering Agents for ES
Vagal tone and physiological stress
Patents for use of low-level electromagnetic energy for health effects etc.:
To: Science about ES - individual studies